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My Journey

( a little bit about me)

❤︎                                   ❤︎

I was born in April 1989, in a country town in Devon, England. I'm Aries with my Moon in Virgo and my ascendant in Leo (for anybody who likes astrology) :) I have always felt very connected to Mother Nature, I guess living in that present state, just absorbing whats around me, listening to our planet and each other with a very enquiring mind



 I moved around the South West a lot (Devon and Cornwall) when I was a child into early adulthood. Lots of changes and experineces I had to overcome and more to conquer! My backpacking life started when I was 23. Since then exploring many countries, working and living away. I have always felt I needed to listen to my heart and follow that little journey inside, which then becomes our own personal larger journey that makes our ...LIFE?!


Feeling like a free sprit inside I've had lots of time on my own travelling, and also special times with others. A big journey for me is discovering who I was, who I am and who I'm going to be and what the things are I'm here to do, not just our physical experiences but also our own inner journeys. Our gifts we have been born with, our raw connections to so many things, experiences, awareness and empathy to this beautiful planet we share...all people, all animals, all Mother Nature.



I've found myself wanting to express so much I have inside and share it....who knows it just might help someone or something someday?!

Our Raw Beauty me age 2
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